01 studenoga, 2012

Dan štednje - Kovani novac iz Daorsona...31.10.2012...Savings Day - Coins from Daorson

Na području istočnoga dijela Hercegovine, od Mostara i Stoca do obala Trebišnjice, obitavalo je ilirsko pleme Daorsi, koji su imali vjersko, upravno i političko središte u Ošanićima kod Stoca. Zbog svoga povoljna zemljopisna položaja, između jadranske obale i planinsko-stočarskoga zaleđa, bavili su se trgovinom. Od 3. st. prije Krista zamjetni su jaki utjecaji helenističke kulture na području Daorsa. Sljedeći primjere jadranskih i jonskih primorskih gradova počeli su u 2. st. kovati vlastiti novac, čini se nakon poraza ilirskoga kralja Gencija 168. prije Krista. Riječ je o prvom novcu kovanom na prostorima Hercegovine i Bosne. Sačuvano je svega desetak primjeraka daorskih novčića. Na aversu je prikazan muški portret (bog Hermo?) s kapom naglašeno izdužena oblika (petasos), čija je površina ispunjena sitnim zrnolikim ispupčenjima, s kratkom i raščešljanom kosom. Na reversu je prepoznatljiva lađa, a uz rub teče u luku natpis grčkim slovima DAORSON. Vjerojatno se radi o prikazu tadašnjih ratnih brodova. Najčešće je njegova duljina iznosila 15 metara, a širina 4,5 metara. Visina boka nad vodom procjenjuje se oko dva metra, gaz 1,5 metara, a korisna nosivost 15 tona. Daorski novac lijevan je od bronce, težine oko pet grama i promjera 17 mm...(Radoslav Dodig...HP Mostar)
In the area of eastern Herzegovina, between Mostar and Stolac to the coast of Trebisnjica River, the Illyrian tribe Daors were inhabited, that had religious, administrative and political center in Ošanići near Stolac. Due to its favorable geographical position, between the Adriatic coast and the mountains hinterland, they were engaged in trade. From the 3rd century BC, the strong influences of Hellenic culture in Daorsi were noticeable. Following the examples of the Adriatic and Ionian coastal cities, they began in the 2nd century to mint their own money; after the defeat of the Illyrian king Ballaios, 168 BC. This is the first coin minted in areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Only 10 copies of Daorson coins have been saved. On the obverse side, a male portrait (god Herm) is shown with the oblong hat, petasos, whose surface is filled with tiny protuberances, with short and combed hair. On the reverse side, a recognizable ship is shown and along the edge the name DAORSON is written in Greek letters. It is probably the representation of the warships of that time. Usually its lengths was 15 meters and width 4,5 meters. Ship’s side height of the water is estimated to be around two meters, depth gauge about 1,5 meters and payload about 15 tons. Coins of Daors were cast in bronze, weighing about 5 grams and a diameter of 17 mm...(Radoslav Dodig...HP Mostar) 

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