26 listopada, 2023

Commemorative postage stamps HP Mostar - Fauna 2023 - Bats

Bats are a crucial part of the ecosystem. Based on the number of recorded species, Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the richest countries in Europe when it comes to these mammals.

The Blasius Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus blasii) is the rarest horseshoe bat in Europe. In this part of the Dinarides, its only known mainland colony is located near Mostar, in the Prosječenica Cave on Podveležje. It has soft fur that is grey-brown on its back and almost white on its belly. 

The Lesser Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) is the smallest bat species in Europe and is highly endangered. Its upper body is grey-brown with a slight reddish tone, while its underside is grey to greyish-white. It is recognizable by the shape of its nose, which resembles a horseshoe. 

The Common noctule (Nyctalus noctula) is a large bat with broad, rounded ears that migrates from Central Europe to the Mediterranean. It has short reddish-brown fur on its back, while the chest is somewhat lighter in colour. Its wings are long and narrow, especially at the tips. In early August, male bats establish mating shelters, sing, and attract females who can give birth to one or two offspring.

The Mediterranean long-eared bat (Plecotus kolombatovici) is associated with the Adriatic region. It has remarkably large ears that it uses for orientation and prey detection. It has a completely furred face and chin, and brown fur on its back. In flight, it is agile and can manoeuvre in tight spaces to catch its prey.

Croatian post Mostar has issued 4 commemorative stamps in a sheet of 8 stamps, a postmark and a First Day Cover (FDC). Design: Ernesto Markota. Date of issue 01. 11. 2023. (source:HP Mostar, Željka Šaravanja)

09 listopada, 2023

HP Mostar - "Etnološko blago 2023." uz Svjetski dan pošte

Hrvatska pošta Mostar tradicionalno na Svjetski dan pošte 9. listopada tiska redovito izdanje poštanskih maraka na temu etnološkog blaga kako bi od zaborava sačuvali našu prošlost. 

"Etnološko blago 2023." kao motiv ima kolijevku, ručno izrađen drveni krevetić za malo dijete. Svaka društvena zajednica ima svoje običaje vezane za značajne trenutke života, a jedan od takvih događaja je rođenje djeteta.

Tradicionalne kolijevke najčešće su bile u obliku korita ili male škrinje. Polukružni završetci na dnu užih stranica bili su napravljeni tako da se kolijevka mogla ljuljati. Bile su jednostavne izrade, a ponekad su plohe bile ukrašene rezbarijama. Često su imale uzdužnu prečku preko koje se prebacivao zastor da bi dijete bilo zaštićeno. Koljevka se posebno čuvala u obitelji i u njoj se odgajalo nekoliko naraštaja djece. Autorica likovnog rješenja je Božana Bošnjak. (izvor:HP Mostar)