16 prosinca, 2020

HP Mostar - 250. obljetnica rođenja Ludwiga van Beethovena / 250th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven rođen je u Bonnu 16./17. prosinca 1770., a umro u Beču 26. ožujka 1827. Vjerovao je u uzvišenu humanističku misiju umjetnosti te da se s pomoću nje čovječji duh može uzvisiti do plemenitoga i božanskoga. Prvu glazbenu poduku dobiva već kao dijete od svoga oca, a od 1779. počinje ozbiljniji studij glazbe. Godine 1792. seli u Beč gdje postaje učenikom F. J. Haydna. Vrhunac karijere postiže oko 1815., kada se njegova djela izvode u najvišim aristokratskim krugovima. Život u Beču pun je uspona i padova. Već od 1796. kod Beethovena se javlja se postupan gubitak sluha, od 1819. potpuno je gluh. 

Beethovenov opus od oko 200 djela raznolik je. Među njima posebno se ističe devet simfonija nastalih između 1800. i 1824., zatim 32 glasovirske sonate skladane između 1795. i 1822., te 18 gudačkih kvarteta nastalih između 1798. i 1826. Beethoven je preoblikovao stare i stvorio nove standarde u oblikovanju i artikulaciji glazbene građe. Skladao je dugo oblikujući glazbene misli, dotjerujući formu i tražeći dostojan izraz za svoje ideje. U pismu grofu von Brunswicku Beethoven piše: „Što se mene tiče, da, doista često moje kraljevstvo je u zraku; koliko često vjetar, tako i moji tonovi vijugaju, tako je i u mojoj duši.“ 

Hrvatska pošta Mostar izdala je 2 prigodne poštanske marke u arku od 8 maraka + 2 vinjete, žig i omotnicu prvoga dana (FDC).

Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn on 16/17 December 1770, and died in Vienna on March 26, 1827. He believed in the sublime humanistic mission of art and that with its help the human spirit could be exalted to the noble and divine. He received his first music lessons as a child from his father, and in 1779 began to study music more seriously. In 1792 he moved to Vienna where he became a pupil of F. J. Haydn. He reached the peak of his career around 1815, when his works were performed in the highest aristocratic circles. Life in Vienna was full of ups and downs. Beethoven had been experiencing gradual hearing loss since 1796, and was completely deaf by 1819. 

Beethoven's opus of about 200 works is diverse. Among them, nine symphonies composed between 1800 and 1824, particularly stand out, followed by 32 piano sonatas composed between 1795 and 1822, and 18 string quartets composed between 1798 and 1826. Beethoven reshaped the old and created new standards in the shaping and articulation of musical material. He needed long to compose, shaping musical thoughts, refining the form and looking for a worthy expression for his ideas. In a letter to Count von Brunswick, Beethoven writes: „As far as I am concerned, yes, indeed often my kingdom is in the air; as often as the wind, so do my tones meander, such it is in my soul.” 

Croatian Post Ltd. Mostar has issued 2 commemorative postage stamps in a sheet of 8 stamps + 2 vignettes, a postmark and  first day cover (FDC).

HP Mostar