03 travnja, 2013

Zanimljivosti filatelije - Perfins poštanske marke (Interesting philately - postage stamps Perfins)

Perfins (Perforirani inicijali) je perforirani dizajn, simbol, znakovlje, pismo, ili skupina slova na poštanskim  markama od strane pojedinca, organizacije ili vladine agencije za potrebe kontrole poštanskih maraka. Postojalo je normalno tiskanje (gledano sprijeda i unatrag respektivno), obrnut (gledano sprijeda i unatrag respektivno) ili povremeno postrance. Perforiranje preko poštanskih marka rađeno je kako bi ih se zaštitilo od učestalih krađa. U Britaniji su neiskorištene poštanske marke mogle biti otkupljene za gotovinu na pošti pa su se zato često događale krađe, tako da su perfins poštanske marke organizacijama dale bolju sigurnost nad njihovom poštarinom. Mnoge zemlje su koristile perfins poštanske marke. Za izum perfinsa je zaslužan britanski izumitelj Joseph Sloper koji je, nakon dugih pregovora, nagovorio poštu kako bi se omogućila perforacija britanskih poštanskih maraka. Službeno dopuštenje dano je 13. ožujka 1868. Gotovo sve marke u uporabi između 1868 i kasnih 1950-ih moglo se naći kao perfins. Nekada se smatralo kako je ovako perforirana poštanska marka oštećena i nije vrijedna spomena u prikupljanu, ali perforirane poštanske marke sada su vrlo tražene. Teško je identificirati podrijetlo pojedinih perfinsa jer obično nema identificiranja obilježja, primjerice Kodak tvrtka je koristila jednostavan perforirani "K"  kao perfin, ali perforirani "K" je mogao biti korišten od strane nekoliko drugih korisnika. 

Perfins (Perforated initials) is a perforated design, symbol, insignia, letter or group of letters on stamps of the individual, organization, or governmental agency for purposes of control stamps. There is normal printing (as viewed from the front and back respectively), reversed (as viewed from the front and back respectively) or the occasional sideways. Perforating through postal stamp was done in order to protect it from the frequent thefts. In Britain unused postage stamps could be redeemed for cash at the post office so they often occurred because of theft, so perfins stamps organizations gave better security over their postage. Many countries have used perfins stamps. For perfins invention is credited British inventor Joseph Sloper who, after lengthy negotiations, persuaded the station to allow perforation of British postage stamps. Official permission was given 13th march 1868th Almost all stamps in use between 1868 and the late 1950s could be found as perfins. It was believed that such a perforated stamp damaged and not worth mentioning in a collected, but perforated stamps are now highly sought after. It is difficult to identify the origin of individual perfins because usually no identifying characteristics, such as the Kodak company used a simple perforated "K" as perfin but perforated "K" could have been used by several other users.

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