25 prosinca, 2018

Philately Liechtenstein WWF 2017. - Četiri divlje vrste ponovno su se nastanile u regiji / Four wildlife species settled in the region again

Zbirka WWF maraka je najveća tematska zbirka na svijetu. U svom najnovijem izdanju WWF-a, Filatelija Lihtenštajn prikazuje četiri vrste divljih životinja za koje se dugo vjerovalo da su izumrle, ali su se u međuvremenu ponovno nastanile u regiji: „dabar“ (nominalna vrijednost: CHF 0,85), „ris“ (nominalna vrijednost: CHF 1,00) , “vuk” (nominalna vrijednost: CHF 1,30) i “roda” (nominalna vrijednost: CHF 1,50).

Dabar se vratio natrag u Lihtenštajn 2008. godine i od tada neprestano obitava. Pronalazi samo nekoliko prirodnih područja gdje može graditi svoje stanište kako to želi. Ris je aktivno ponovno došao u Švicarsku 1971. godine i od tada se širi i u Kneževinu. Vukovi su migrirali u Švicarsku s juga od 1990-ih. Oni žive u blizini regije Calanda. Posljednjih godina vukovi su viđeni na četiri različite lokacije. Zahvaljujući naporima raznih organizacija, par roda je 2007. Lihtenštajn načinio svojim domom - prvi put u više od 100 godina. U međuvremenu, Lihtenštajn broji šesnaest gnijezda roda.

With over one billion stamps printed, the WWF stamp collection is the largest thematic collection in the world. In its latest WWF issue, Philately Liechtenstein is showing four wildlife species which were long believed to be extinct but have “Beaver” (face value: CHF 0.85), “Lynx” (face value: CHF 1.00), “Wolf” (face value: CHF 1.30) and “Stork” (face value: CHF 1.50).

The beaver found its way back to Liechtenstein in 2008 and has been propagating continually since then. But it finds only few natural areas in the valley where it can build its habitat as it pleases. Lynx were actively reintroduced to Switzerland in 1971 and have been spreading in the Principality since that date. Wolves have been migrating into Switzerland from the south since the 1990s. They live nearby in the Calanda region as well as in other places. In recent years, wolves were seen on four different unconfirmed occasions. Due to the efforts of various organisations, a stork couple made Liechtenstein their home in 2007 – for the first time in over 100 years. In the meantime, Liechtenstein counts sixteen stork nests.

Philately Liechtenstein

22 prosinca, 2018

FAUNA 2018. HP MOSTAR - Fauna slatkovodnih riba u Bosni i Hercegovini / The fauna of freshwater fish in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fauna slatkovodnih riba u Bosni i Hercegovini bogata je i odlikuje se raznolikošću vrsta među kojima posebno mjesto zauzimaju endemske vrste rasprostranjene na uskom području. Hrvatska pošta Mostar na svojim markama u 2018. predstavlja četiri endemske vrste.

Neretvanska mekousna pastrva ( Salmothymus obtusirostris oxyrhynchus ) živi u rijeci Neretvi i njenim pritokama. Tijelo joj je izduženo i bočno spljošteno, tamnomaslinaste boje s tamnim mrljama, a može narasti duljine do 50 cm i težine 2 kg.

Prikanac ( Phoxinellus pseudalepidotus ) je jedinstven riblji endem koji živi samo u donjoj polovini Mostarskog blata. Prosječna veličina prikanca je 7,50 cm, a životni vijek mu je maksimalno četiri godine. Hrani se ličinkama kukaca, drugim  vodenim beskralježnjacima i biljnom hranom.

Hercegovački vijun ( Cobitis herzegoviensis) također živi samo u donjoj polovini Mostarskog blata. D uguljastog je i bočno spljoštenog tijela s odvojenim malim ljuskama koje su vidljive tek pod povećalom. Ima vrlo izduženu trokutastu glavu.

Oštrulj (Aulopyge hugelii) ima tijelo bez ljuski, izduženu, usku i zašiljenu glavu. Žućkastosrebrne je boje s crnosmeđim mrljama i točkama. U leđnoj peraji se nalazi istaknuta tvrda bodlja s nazubljenim unutarnjim rubom po kome je i dobila ime.

Hrvatska pošta d.o.o. Mostar izdala je 4 prigodne poštanske marke u arku od 8 maraka, žig i omotnicu prvoga dana (FDC).

The fauna of freshwater fish in Bosnia and Herzegovina is rich and distinguished by the diversity of spices among which the endemic spices has special place and are widespread in a narrow area. In 2018 Croatian post Mostar presents four endemic spices on its stamps.

Neretva trout (Salmothymus obtusirostris oxyrhynchus) lives in the Neretva river and its tributaries. The body is elongated and flattened on the sides, dark-green with dark spots and it can grow up to 50 cm and weight 2 kg.

Prikanac (Phoxinellus pseudalepidotus) is a unique endemic fish that lives only in lower half of Mostarsko blato. It’s average size is 7,50 cm and lives maximum four years. It feeds with bugs, other water invertebrates and vegetables.

Spined loach (Cobitis herzegoviensis) also lives only in lower half of Mostarsko blato. It has oblong and flattened body with separate small shells that are visible only under the magnifying glass. It has a very elongated triangular head.

Barbelgudgeon (Aulopyge hugelii) has a body without shells, elongated, narrow and a shrunken head. Its bronze color with black spots and dots. On dorsal fin there is highlighted hard spine with a toothed inner edge on which it is named.

Croatian post Mostar has issued 4 commemorative postage stamps in a sheet of 8 stamps, postmark and the first day cover (FDC).