13 veljače, 2019

HP MOSTAR 28.1.2019. Europski dan zaštite osobnih podataka - European Data Protection Day

Europski dan zaštite osobnih podataka, koji je proglasio Odbor ministara Vijeća Europe, prvi put obilježen je 2007. godine.Prvi i osnovni cilj bio je upoznati europske građane s razlozima i načinima prikupljanja i obrade osobnih podataka, te s njihovim pravima i obvezama.

U zemljama Europske unije na snazi je Opća uredba o zaštiti osobnih podataka, a prema njoj osobni podatak je bilo koja informacija koja osobu može identificirati. Regulativa se odnosi i na sve zemlje izvan Europske unije koje koriste podatke europskih građana ili im prodaju robu ili usluge. Ovom uredbom građanima je omogućen jednostavniji pristup njihovim podacima te mogućnost informiranja o tome na koji način i u koju svrhu se ti podatci obrađuju. Uvodi se i „pravo na zaborav”, odnosno mogućnost da ispitanik zatraži od poduzeća i organizacija brisanje svojih podataka, uz uvjet da ne postoje zakoniti razlozi za njihovo zadržavanje. Posebna skupina su djeca i mladi koji su prepoznati kao osobito ranjiva skupina jer često nisu svjesni opasnosti kojima se izlažu prilikom neopreznog upravljanja svojim osobnim podacima.

European Data Protection Day, that was proclaimed by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, was celebrated for the first time in 2007. The first and main goal was to familiarize european citizens with the reasons and methods of collection and processing of personal data, and also with their rights and obilgations.

In countries of the European Union, General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) has enterd into force, and according to this regulation personal information is any information that may be identified to a person. This regulation applies to all countries outside the European Union that use data from european citizens or sell goods or services to them. Through this regulation, citizens have a simpler access to their data and possibilities of being informed about the manner and in which purposes the data is being processed. Also the „Right to be Forgotten“ was introduced, or in other words it is possible for an examinee to request from a company and organization to delete his/her data, under the conditions that there are no legal reasons for retainment. A specific group represent children and youngsters that are considered especially vulnerable because they often are not aware of the threats they are exposed to upon incautious managing of their personal information.

HP Mostar