Hrvatska pošta Mostar i Mostarsko proljeće 2012. – XIV. dani Matice hrvatske u mostarskome Klubu Aluminij predstavili su poštansku marku 'Bosanskohercegovački nobelovci – Ivo Andrić i Vladimir Prelog', čiji je autor Marin Musa.
Poštanska marka svojevrsni je nastavak odavanja počasti dvojici bh. velikana, dobitnicima Nobelove nagrade za književnost i kemiju, nakon Parka nobelovaca u Mostaru, otvorenog zahvaljujući suradnji MH Mostar i HKD Napretka.
Poštanska marka tiskana je u tiskari Zrinski u Čakovcu, a nominalna joj je vrijednost 1,5 KM.
U ime MH Mostar nazočnima, među kojima je bila i nekolicina filatelista, obratila se prof. dr. sc. Ljerka Ostojić, članica Predsjedništva MHM, dok je Željka Šaravanja, stručna suradnica za filateliju u HP-u Mostar, govorila o marki.
Autor Marin Musa kazao je nekoliko riječi o ideji njezina nastanka, dok je Sanja Sabljić, direktorica – predsjednica Uprave HP-a Mostar, uz obraćanje, uručila panoe s uvećanim otiskom marke predstavnicima MH Mosatar i HKD Napretka.
Ivo Andrić rodio se u Docu kod Travnika 9. listopada 1892. godine. Nakon završene gimnazije u Sarajevu, studira u Zagrebu, Beču i Krakovu. Dobivši stipendiju Napretka, Andrić 1912. godine započinje studije u Zagrebu, nastavlja ih u Beču i Krakovu, da bi 1924. u Grazu doktorirao disertacijom „O duhovnom životu Bosne pod Turcima“. U razdoblju između dva svjetska rata u diplomatskoj je službi. S početkom II. svjetskog rata vraća se u Beograd, živi povučeno i ne sudjeluje u javnom životu. U to vrijeme piše i svoje najvažnije djelo, roman „Na Drini ćuprija“. 1961. godine dobiva Nobelovu nagradu za književnost za cjelokupno životno djelo. Umro je u Beogradu 13. ožujka 1975. godine.
Vladimir Prelog, također Napretkov stipendist, rođen je 23. srpnja 1906. u Sarajevu. Godine 1915. preseljava u Zagreb, a zatim u Osijek gdje nastavlja srednjoškolsko obrazovanje. Pod utjecajem prof. Ivana Kurie počinje se zanimati za kemiju. Nakon što je 1924. maturirao u Zagrebu, odlazi na studij kemije u Prag gdje je stekao fakultetsku diplomu 1928., a godinu poslije i doktorat. Godine 1934. vraća se u Zagreb i predaje na Tehničkom fakultetu, a već 1941. odlazi u Švicarsku, u Zürichu, na Tehničku visoku školu. Prelog je ostvario vrhunske rezultate na polju organske sintetske kemije, razjasnio je strukturu antibiotika rifamicina i boromicina, radio je na steroidima, sintetizirao je ferimicin… Objavio je više od 350 znanstvenih radova do 1975. godine kada mu je dodijeljena Nobelova nagrada za kemiju. Umro je 7. siječnja 1998. godine u Zürichu.
Croatian post Mostar and Spring of Mostar 2012. in the Mostar Club Aluminium presented postage stamp 'Bosnian Nobel Prize winners - Ivo Andric and Vladimir Prelog', written by Marin Musa.
Sort of a postage stamp honoring the continuation of the two big bh. winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature, and Chemistry, Nobel Prize winners after the park in Mostar, thanks to an opencollaboration MH Mostar and HKD Napredak.
Stamp was printed in a printing house in Cakovec Zrinski and itsnominal value is 1.5 KM.
On behalf of the MH Mostar audience, among whom was also ahandful of philatelists, approached the prof. dr. sc. Ljerka Ostojic, a member of the Presidency of MHM, while Zeljka Saravanja, associate of philately, HP Mostar, spoke about postage stamp.
Author Marin Musa said a few words about the idea of its appearance, while Sanja Sabljic, director of HP Mostar, withrecourse, presented with enlarged print billboards brandrepresentatives MH Mosatar and HKD Napredak.
Ivo Andric was born in Dolac near Travnik on October 9, 1892. After finished high school in Sarajevo, he studied in Zagreb, Vienna and Krakow. Having received a scholarship of Napredak in 1912, Andric begins his studies in Zagreb, continues in Vienna and Krakow, and in 1924 he finished in Graz his PhD on “The spiritual life of Bosnia under the Turks”. Between the two wars, he is in the diplomatic service. With the beginning of the World War II he is returning to Belgrade, lives a reclusive life and doesn’t participate in public life. At that time he writes his most important work, the novel “The Bridge on the Drina”. In 1961 he was awarded with the Nobel Prize for literature for his entire life’s work. He died in Belgrade on March 13, 1975.
Vladimir Prelog, also scholar of Napredak, was born on July 23, 1906 in Sarajevo. In 1915 he moved to Zagreb and than to Osijek where he continued high school education. Under the influence of prof. Ivan Kuria he becomes interested in chemistry. After his graduation in Zagreb in 1924, he went to Prague to study chemistry where he earned a university degree in 1928 and a year later a doctorate. In 1934 he returned to Zagreb and teaches at the Faculty of Engineering, and in 1941 he goes to Switzerland, in Zurich to teach at the Technical high school. Prelog has achieved excellent results in the field of organic synthetic chemistry, clarified the structure of the antibiotic rifamycin and boromycin, he worked on steroids, synthesized the formycin….He has published over 350 scientific papers till 1975 when he was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry. He died on January 7, 1998 in Zurich.
Sort of a postage stamp honoring the continuation of the two big bh. winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature, and Chemistry, Nobel Prize winners after the park in Mostar, thanks to an opencollaboration MH Mostar and HKD Napredak.
Stamp was printed in a printing house in Cakovec Zrinski and itsnominal value is 1.5 KM.
On behalf of the MH Mostar audience, among whom was also ahandful of philatelists, approached the prof. dr. sc. Ljerka Ostojic, a member of the Presidency of MHM, while Zeljka Saravanja, associate of philately, HP Mostar, spoke about postage stamp.
Author Marin Musa said a few words about the idea of its appearance, while Sanja Sabljic, director of HP Mostar, withrecourse, presented with enlarged print billboards brandrepresentatives MH Mosatar and HKD Napredak.
Ivo Andric was born in Dolac near Travnik on October 9, 1892. After finished high school in Sarajevo, he studied in Zagreb, Vienna and Krakow. Having received a scholarship of Napredak in 1912, Andric begins his studies in Zagreb, continues in Vienna and Krakow, and in 1924 he finished in Graz his PhD on “The spiritual life of Bosnia under the Turks”. Between the two wars, he is in the diplomatic service. With the beginning of the World War II he is returning to Belgrade, lives a reclusive life and doesn’t participate in public life. At that time he writes his most important work, the novel “The Bridge on the Drina”. In 1961 he was awarded with the Nobel Prize for literature for his entire life’s work. He died in Belgrade on March 13, 1975.
Vladimir Prelog, also scholar of Napredak, was born on July 23, 1906 in Sarajevo. In 1915 he moved to Zagreb and than to Osijek where he continued high school education. Under the influence of prof. Ivan Kuria he becomes interested in chemistry. After his graduation in Zagreb in 1924, he went to Prague to study chemistry where he earned a university degree in 1928 and a year later a doctorate. In 1934 he returned to Zagreb and teaches at the Faculty of Engineering, and in 1941 he goes to Switzerland, in Zurich to teach at the Technical high school. Prelog has achieved excellent results in the field of organic synthetic chemistry, clarified the structure of the antibiotic rifamycin and boromycin, he worked on steroids, synthesized the formycin….He has published over 350 scientific papers till 1975 when he was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry. He died on January 7, 1998 in Zurich.