10 kolovoza, 2013

Važna obavijest - Important information

Važna obavijest za sve prijatelje, filateliste, kolekcionare i posjetitelje ovoga bloga da moja adresa: "Poste restante" nije više u funkciji. Brze odgovore i sve vezano za razmjenu poštanskih maraka kao i novu adresu možete dobiti na emailu:
Important information for all the friends, philatelists, collectors and visitors of this blog to my address: "Poste restante" is no longer operational. Quick answers and everything related to the exchange of stamps and a new address can be obtained by email:
cubela.zoran @ gmail.com

Hvala Renati iz Matulja, Hrvatska (Thanks to Renata from Matulji, Croatia)

Hvala Draženu iz Slavonskog Broda, Hrvatska (Thanks to Dražen from Slavonski Brod, Croatia)

23 svibnja, 2013

HP Mostar Mitovi i flora 2013. – Hrast cer (Quercus cerris) - HP Mostar Myths and flora 2013 – Turkey oak (Quercus cerris)

Cer (Quercus cerris) iz roda hrastova  je bjelogorično drvo brežuljkastih i krških šuma koje naraste od 25 do 40 metara visine. Plod mu je žir dug tri do četiri cm, širok dva cm. Rasprostranjen je u jugoistočnoj Europi, Maloj Aziji i na Apeninima. Cer je posuđenica iz latinskoga jezika. U starijih pisaca naziva se dub, hrast, pa i žirnjak. Sama pak riječ cerrus u latinskome vjerojatno je posuđenica iz nekoga mediteranskog jezika, jer cer je vrsta hrasta koja dobro raste na kamenitom mediteranskom tlu. Česti su i toponimi nazvani po ceru: Cer (planina i selo), Cerić, Cerno, Cerovac, Cerik, Cerjak, Cerje i dr. Cer je demonsko i sjenovito drvo. U starim predajama navodilo se kako se vile noću viđaju pod cerom. Stoga se cerovo drvo biralo za magijske zapise. On se rado uzimao za drvo Badnjaka. Ako nije bilo cera u blizini, ponegdje na Badnjak domaćin je znao donijeti cerovu grančicu u kuću i pitati ukućane slave li mladoga Boga. Kad mu to ukućani potvrde, on s cerovom grančicom blagosilja za plodnost, pa je nakon obreda zabode u zid iznad ognjišta. Koja djevojka želi mušku djecu treba na vjenčanju u sebi spominjati cer. Negdje se u selu osamljeni cer smatrao zaštitnikom mjesta i nitko ga nije smio posjeći. Ako je imao šupljinu u stablu, kroz nju su se provlačile nerotkinje kako bi začele. U narodnim vjerovanjima cer spada u sretna drveća. No, opasnost je što grom često udara u nj. U pučkoj medicini cerova kora u vinu koristila se kao lijek od pljuskavice, a žir protiv srdobolje. (izvor HP Mostar...)
Turkey oak (Quercus cerris) of the genus oak is a deciduous tree of hilly and karst forests that grows 25-40 meters high. The fruit is a large acorn, 3-4 cm long and 2 cm broad. It is widespread in South-Eastern Europe, Asia Minor and in the Apennines. The word cer is borrowed from Latin. The older writers called it dub, oak. The word cerrus in Latin is probably borrowed form some Mediterranean language because Turkey oak is species that grows on rocky Mediterranean soil. Toponyms are often named after Turkey oak: Cer (mountain and village), Cerić, Cerno, Cerovac, Cerik, Cerjak, Cerje etc.Turkey oak is demonic and shady tree. In ancient legends, it was claimed that the fairies are seen under the Turkey oak at night. Therefore its wood had been selected for magical records. Its wood was gladly taken for the Christmas Eve. If there was no oak near, sometimes the host would brought the oaks branch to the house and ask the rest of the family do they glorify the young God. When he received the positive answer, he was blessing for fertility with oaks branch and after the ceremony he put it into the wall above the fireplace. When a girl wants to have baby boys, she has to mention oak tree at the wedding ceremony. Somewhere in the village the solitary oak was considered as the patron of the place and nobody was allowed to cut it off. If it had a cavity, barren women would wriggle through it in order to conceive. In folk believes, Turkey oak is the happy tree. But the danger is that lightening often strikes at it. In folk medicine oak bark was used in wine as the drug of chicken pox, and acorns against shigellosis bacteria. (source HP Mostar...)

23 travnja, 2013

HP Mostar Europa 2013. - Poštanska vozila...Europa 2013. - Postal vehicles

Hrvatska pošta Mostar izdala je prigodnu poštansku marku „EUROPA 2013. – Poštanska vozila“, omotnicu prvog dana i žig. Likovno rješenje za dvije marke (poštanski kombi i poštanski moped) rad su Manlija Napolija, marke su tiskane u sutisku u arku 10 (8 maraka + 2 vinjete) i malom arku od 4 marke u tiskari Zrinski u Čakovcu. Nominalna vrijednost maraka je 3,00 KM, prvi dan izdanja 5. 4. 2013. godine. 
...Prvi oblici organizirane poštanske službe pojavljuju se u Egiptu oko 2000. godine prije Krista. Glasničku službu obavljali su glasnici - pješaci i glasnici na konjima i devama. Najveća i najbolje organizirana glasnička organizacija starog vijeka, rimski „Cursus Publicus“, sastojala se od cesta, transportnih sredstava i stanica. Transportna sredstva bila su tako precizno razvrstana da je svaki tip zaprege imao svoje obilježje i namjenu, te svoju vuču, a vukli su ih konji, mazge, volovi pa čak i deve. Danas, suvremena prijevozna sredstva omogućuju brz i efikasan prijevoz pošiljaka na sve strane svijeta. Veća potreba za komuniciranjem na daljinu rezultira i većom potražnjom za poštanskim uslugama... (izvor HP Mostar)
...The first forms of organized postal service appeared in Egypt around 2000. B.C. Messenger service was performed by messengers – pedestrians and messengers on horses and camels. The largest and best organized messenger organization of the Antiquity, Roman „Cursus Publicus“ was consisted of roads, transportation means and stations. Transportation means were precisely classified that each type of carriage had its character and purpose, and own tow, and were dragged by horses, mules, oxen and even camels. 
Today, modern transportation means allow quick and efficient transportation of shipments all over the world. Greater need for distant communication is resulting with the greater demand for postal services... (source HP Mostar)   

03 travnja, 2013

Zanimljivosti filatelije - Perfins poštanske marke (Interesting philately - postage stamps Perfins)

Perfins (Perforirani inicijali) je perforirani dizajn, simbol, znakovlje, pismo, ili skupina slova na poštanskim  markama od strane pojedinca, organizacije ili vladine agencije za potrebe kontrole poštanskih maraka. Postojalo je normalno tiskanje (gledano sprijeda i unatrag respektivno), obrnut (gledano sprijeda i unatrag respektivno) ili povremeno postrance. Perforiranje preko poštanskih marka rađeno je kako bi ih se zaštitilo od učestalih krađa. U Britaniji su neiskorištene poštanske marke mogle biti otkupljene za gotovinu na pošti pa su se zato često događale krađe, tako da su perfins poštanske marke organizacijama dale bolju sigurnost nad njihovom poštarinom. Mnoge zemlje su koristile perfins poštanske marke. Za izum perfinsa je zaslužan britanski izumitelj Joseph Sloper koji je, nakon dugih pregovora, nagovorio poštu kako bi se omogućila perforacija britanskih poštanskih maraka. Službeno dopuštenje dano je 13. ožujka 1868. Gotovo sve marke u uporabi između 1868 i kasnih 1950-ih moglo se naći kao perfins. Nekada se smatralo kako je ovako perforirana poštanska marka oštećena i nije vrijedna spomena u prikupljanu, ali perforirane poštanske marke sada su vrlo tražene. Teško je identificirati podrijetlo pojedinih perfinsa jer obično nema identificiranja obilježja, primjerice Kodak tvrtka je koristila jednostavan perforirani "K"  kao perfin, ali perforirani "K" je mogao biti korišten od strane nekoliko drugih korisnika. 

Perfins (Perforated initials) is a perforated design, symbol, insignia, letter or group of letters on stamps of the individual, organization, or governmental agency for purposes of control stamps. There is normal printing (as viewed from the front and back respectively), reversed (as viewed from the front and back respectively) or the occasional sideways. Perforating through postal stamp was done in order to protect it from the frequent thefts. In Britain unused postage stamps could be redeemed for cash at the post office so they often occurred because of theft, so perfins stamps organizations gave better security over their postage. Many countries have used perfins stamps. For perfins invention is credited British inventor Joseph Sloper who, after lengthy negotiations, persuaded the station to allow perforation of British postage stamps. Official permission was given 13th march 1868th Almost all stamps in use between 1868 and the late 1950s could be found as perfins. It was believed that such a perforated stamp damaged and not worth mentioning in a collected, but perforated stamps are now highly sought after. It is difficult to identify the origin of individual perfins because usually no identifying characteristics, such as the Kodak company used a simple perforated "K" as perfin but perforated "K" could have been used by several other users.