Vesna je slavenska božica proljeća i mladosti, koja donosi proljetnu radost nakon hladne zime. Ona ima moć nad toplinom sunca koja obnavlja prirodu u kojoj sve raste i cvjeta u proljeće. Zemlja se otvara i uspostavlja se živa veza između flore i podzemlja, gdje su skrivena biljna blaga i bogatstvo. Vesna pomiruje srce i um i poboljšava zdravlje koje je bilo narušeno tokom zime. Dolaskom proljeća ljudi postaju dobri i nježni, njegujući poštovanje i prijateljstvo jedni prema drugima. U čast božice Vesne djevojke su se oblačile u odjeću od trave i cvijeća. Cvijet joj je maslačak, a ptica lastavica.
Maslačak (Taraxacum) je zeljasta trajnica iz porodice tratinčica. Ima nazubljeno lišće u bazalnoj rozeti iz koje izlazi stabljika sa žutom cvjetnom glavom. Nakon cvatnje, sjeme se pojavljuje u obliku zračne kugle s brojnim sjemenkama. Raste na livadama, uz ceste, u parkovima i vrtovima. Svi dijelovi maslačka (korijen, cvjetnica i cvijet) su ljekoviti, a njegova ljekovita svojstva ovise o sezoni. Mladi listovi maslačka koriste se za pripremu salate, a od cvjetova priprema se sirup nalik medu.
Hrvatska pošta Mostar izdala je prigodnu poštansku marku u bloku od 1 marke, poštansku marku i omotnicu prvog dana (FDC).
Vesna is the Slavic goddess of spring and youth, who brings spring joy after a cold winter. She has power over the warmth of the sun that renews nature, in which everything grows and blooms in spring. The earth opens and a living connection is established between the flora and the underworld, where plant treasures and wealth are hidden. Vesna reconciles the heart and the mind, and improves health which was impaired during the winter. With the arrival of spring, people become good and gentle, nurturing respect and friendship for one another. In honour of goddess Vesna, girls used to dress in clothes of grass and flowers. Her flower is the dandelion, and her bird is the swallow.
The dandelion (Taraxacum) is an herbaceous perennial from the daisy family. It has serrated leaves in a basal rosette, from which a stem with a yellow flower head emerges. After flowering, the seed appears in the form of an aerial ball with numerous seeds. It grows in meadows, along roads, in parks and gardens. All parts of the dandelion (root, flowering plant and flower) are medicinal, and its healing properties depend on the season. Young dandelion leaves are used to prepare salad, and honey-like syrup is prepared from the flowers.
Croatian Post Mostar has issued a commemorative postage stamp in a block of 1 stamp, a postmark and first day cover (FDC).
Izvor (source) HP Mostar