03 lipnja, 2020

EUROPE 2020. Former postal routes / Andorra (Spain)

The mountainous orography of the Principality of Andorra has always played a role in external communication. It is an inconvenience made no easier by the harsh winter climate, which can occasionally make communication with the region impossible, and the scattered, isolated homes of its population.
However, its natural features actually provided a means of communication, as the Valira river connects Andorra la Vella with La Seu d’Urgell. On-foot couriers used to travel along this first route with the correspondence on the back of their mules in order to maintain communication between the two towns.

In 1730, La Seu opened its own post office to handle the post  coming into and from Andorra.

As there was no official delivery service, the recipients themselves had to collect their post after receiving word from person responsible in the Consell General (General Council of Andorra)...

Izvor (source) https://www.correos.es

Summer Olympics in Tokyo 2020. - Liechtenstein stamps that are quite rare in your hands

"Due to the corona crisis, the Summer Olympics, which would have been held in Tokyo from 24 July to 9 August 2020, have been postponed for one year and will now take place from 23 July to 8 August 2021 under the title "Tokyo 2020" – something that has never happened before in the long history of the Olympic Games. Since this decision was taken only after all our products had gone to press, we are unfortunately no longer able to stop issuing stamps for the 2020 Summer Olympics. This means that the stamps will nevertheless be issued on 2 June 2020 as announced.
For this reason, you will be holding stamps that are quite rare in your hands on 2 June 2020. Stamps in your collection with the date on which the Olympic Games never took place will always remind you later of the memorable year 2020, when a worldwide pandemic went down in history."