29 rujna, 2024

Razmjena poštanskih maraka HP Mostar / Exchange of postage stamps HP Mostar

Razmjena poštanskih maraka HP Mostar isključivo za marke sljedećih zemalja: Andora (Sp & Fr), Lihtenštajn, Luksemburg, Monako, Malta, San Marino, Vatikan, Island, Farski otoci, kao i MINT WWF, minerali kao motiv i marke Portugala (za marke Mint nudim x2 vrijednosti iz ponude). Ne nudite druge zemlje. Zamjena je bazirana na Michel katalogu ili nominalnoj vrijednosti (1 Euro/2 KM). Uskoro slijede ponude BH Pošte, Pošte RS, te Hrvatske, Srbije i Slovenije...

Exchange of postage stamps HP Mostar exclusively for stamps of the following countries: Andorra (Sp & Fr), Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Malta, San Marino, Vatican, Iceland, Faroe Islands, as well as MINT WWF, minerals as motif and stamps of Portugal (for stamps Mint offer x2 value from the offer). Do not offer other countries. The exchange is based on the Michel catalog or the nominal value (1 Euro/2 KM). Offers from BH Pošta, RS Post, and Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia will soon follow...