05 studenoga, 2014

Katanijev ljiljan i hercegovački kukurijek - HP Mostar Flora 2014 - Cattani Lily and Herzegovinian hellebore

Hercegovačke planine riznica su endemičnih biljaka. Na Crvenoj listi flore BiH nalaze se mnoge, a među njima su i dvije biljke koje Hrvatska pošta Mostar donosi u izdanju „Flora 2014.“ te na takav način upozorava na rijetke biljne vrste i njihovu zaštitu.
Katanijev ljiljan ili vrtoglav (Lilium cattaniae) endem je Dinarida koji naseljava tople i suhe položaje krškog područja, a ime je dobio po prirodoslovki Mariji Cattani. Raste u svijetlim šikarama i šumarcima, u vrtačama i škrapama Čvrsnice. Njegova visina doseže od 60 do 70 cm. Cvjeta tamnim grimiznim cvjetovima u razdoblju od lipnja do srpnja. Nije poznato da se katanijev ljiljan koristio u tradicionalnim terapijama liječenja, ali s obzirom na iskustva u liječenju nekim drugim vrstama ljiljana, može biti važan izvor za farmaceutska istraživanja u budućnosti.
Hercegovački kukurijek (Helleborus hercegovinus) endem je jugoistočnih Dinarida koji raste u mediteransko-montanoj i submediteranskoj regiji krškog područja na karbonatima. Naraste do visine 30 cm, a cvjeta od ožujka do travnja. Grozdasti cvatovi sastoje se od nekoliko cvjetova koji mogu biti bijele, zelene pa sve do ljubičaste boje. Kukurijek voli humusom bogata vlažna tla, a hercegovački kukurijek najbolje uspijeva na neutralnim ili alkalnim tlima u sjeni. (izvor...HP Mostar)

Herzegovinian Mountains are a treasury of endemic plants. On the Red list of B&H Flora there are many, and amongst them are two plants which the Croatian Post Mostar presents in the “Flora 2014” edition, and in this ways points out on rare species of plants and their protection.
Cattani Lily or „vrtoglav“ (Lilium cattaniae) is an endemic plant of the Dinarids that settles on warm and dry areas of karstic territory, and its name came from the biologist Marija Cattani. It grows in lightened bushes and groves, in karsts sinkholes and karrens of the mountain Čvrsnica. Its height reaches up to 60 to 70 cm. It blossoms a dark crimson flower in the period in between June and July. It is not known whether the Cattani Lily has been used in traditional medical therapies, but taking into consideration experiences in medical treatments of other types of lilies, it could be a significant source for pharmaceutical researches in the future. Herzegovinian hellebore (Helleborus hercegovinus) is an endemic plant of the southeastern Dinarids that grows in the Mediterranean-Montana and sub Mediterranean region of the karsts territories on carbonates. It grows up to 30 cm in height, and blossoms from March to April. A cluster-like flower consists of a few flowers that can be white, green and even purple in color. Hellebore likes a damp ground rich with humus, and the Herzegovinian hellebore most successfully grows on neutral or alkali grounds in the shade.
(source...HP Mostar)

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