05 studenoga, 2014

Zlatnik cara Nerona - HP Mostar Numismatic 2014 - Golden coin of Emperor Nero

Rimljani su poticaj za kovanje zlatnika dobili od grčkih kolonija u Italiji. Od vremena cara Augusta kovanje zlatnoga novca (aureus, zlatnik) u potpunosti je bilo u carevoj ovlasti tako da nema rimskoga imperatora koji nije sebe predstavio na zlatniku. Rimski car Neron, punim imenom NERO CLAUDIUS CAESAR DRUSUS GERMANICUS, rodio se 37. godine u Anciju. Njegova majka Agripina mlađa je praunuka cara Augusta i nećakinja cara Klaudija za kojega se i udala. Neron je postao carem 54. godine nakon smrti poočima Klaudija. Ratovao je u Armeniji i Partiji, ali je poznat po legendi da je zapalio Rim, ne bi li dobio inspiraciju za svoje pjesme. Nakon pobune vojske u zapadnim provincijama 68. godine, kada je vidio da ga je ostavila tjelesna straža ubio se.
 Poznato je više tipova Neronovih zlatnika, kovanih uglavnom u kovnicama u Rimu i Lionu (Roma et Lugdunum). U početku su na aversu portreti Nerona i Agripine Mlađe, a na reversu vijenac od hrastova lišća s natpisom. Kasnije se na aversu nalazi carev portret, najčešće s natpisom NERO CAESAR AUGUSTUS IMPERATOR, a na reversu su božica Cerera, Jupiter na prijestolu ili zatvorena vrata Janova hrama u Rimu. Natpis na reversu sadržava careve funkcije i počasti. U Mostarskim Vratima kod Ljubuškoga nađen je 2007. zlatnik cara Nerona (koji je danas u privatnom posjedu), kovan 60. - 61. godine u Lionu i Rimu. Na aversu nalazi se portret cara Nerona, s natpisom NERO CAESAR AVG IMP, a na reversu lik božice Cerere, s bakljom i žitnim klasom i natpis PONTIF MAX TR P VII COS IIII PP EX SC. (izvor...Radoslav Dodig)

The Romans were inspired in coining golden coins from the Greek colonies in Italy. From the times of Emperor Augustus coining gold coins (aures, florin) was absolutely in the jurisdiction of the Emperor and therefore there is not one Roman ruler that had not represented himself on the coins. The Roman Emperor Nero, in full name NERO CLAUDIUS CAESAR DRUSUS GERMANICUS, was born in year 37 at Antium. His mother Agrippina the younger was the great grand-daughter of Emperor Augustus and the niece of Emperor Claudius for whom she was wed. Nero became an Emperor in year 54 after the death of his step father Claudius. He was at war in Armenia and Parthia, but he is also known for burning down Rome, in desire to achieve inspiration for his songs. After the rebellion of the army in western provinces in the year 68, when he saw that he was left by his guards, he killed himself.
There are several types of Nero's golden coins, coined mainly in mints in Rome and Lyon (Roma et Lugdunum). In the beginning on the obverse side are portraits of Nero and Agrippina the younger, and on the reverse a wreath of oak-tree leaves with an inscription. Later on, on the obverse was the Emperor’s portrait, most commonly with the inscription NERO CAESAR AUGUSTUS IMPERATOR, and on the reversed side are the goddess Ceres, Jupiter on his throne or the closed doors of Jan's temple in Rome. The inscription on the reverse states the Emperor's functions and tributes. At the Mostar gates near Ljubuški was found a golden coin of Nero in 2007 (which today is in private property), wrought in the years 60 - 61 in Lyon and Rome. On the observe side there is a portrait of Nero, with the inscription NERO CAESAR AVG IMP, and on the reverse side the figure of goddess Ceres, with a torch and grain symbol and inscription of PONTIF MAX TR P VII COS IIII PP EX SC. (source...Radoslav Dodig)

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