05 studenoga, 2014

Konj, magarac, mazga i mula - Fauna 2014 HP Mostar - Horse, donkey, mule and mullah

Konj (Equus caballus) je jedna od najvažnijih domaćih životinja, uzgaja se u velikom broju različitih pasmina i ima važnu ulogu kao tegleća ili jahaća životinja u cijelom svijetu. Domaći konji su domesticirani oblik divljih konja, tijekom dužeg vremenskog razdoblja došlo je do prelaska od divlje životinje u pripitomljen i udomaćeni oblik. Dijele se na tri osnovna tipa: pitome i snažne hladnokrvne konje koji se koriste za rad, toplokrvne konje koji se koriste za jahanje i punokrvne sportske konje. Magarac (Equus asinus) je također rasprostranjen u cijelome svijetu, koristi se kao jahaća i teretna životinju. U odnosu na konja koji je brži i snažniji, magarac je izdržljivija životinja koja može duže izdržati bez vode i hrane te se najčešće koristi za prijenos tereta. Različite vrste unutar porodice konja mogu se ukrštati. Potomak mužjaka magarca i ženke konja je mula (Equus mulus), dok je mazga (Eguus hinnus) potomak mužjaka konja i ženke magarca. Obje ove vrste su sterilne i ne mogu se razmnožavati. Nastale su željom čovjeka da uzgoji korisniju životinju za svoje potrebe koja će preživjeti u teškim radnim uvjetima.
Dr. Ivica Ravić utemeljitelj je prvoga Centra za očuvanje genoma izvornih pasmina domaćih životinja u BiH u Buhovu (Široki Brijeg) i Udruge za zaštitu i očuvanje izvornih pasmina domaćih životinja. To je prvi takav projekt u Bosni i Hercegovini gdje se može vidjeti nucleus stada ugroženih, odnosno izvornih pasmina domaćih životinja koje su se našle pred izumiranjem, s ciljem njihovog očuvanja i očuvanja biološke raznolikosti. (izvor...HP Mostar)

The horse (Equus caballus) is one of the most important domestic animals, and is bread in a large number of various breeds and has a significant role as a draught animal or hackney in the whole world. Domestic horses are a domesticated form of wild horses, and through a long period of time it had come to a transition from a wild animal into a domesticated and tamed form. There are three basic types: tamed and strong, cold-blooded horses that are used for work, and warm-blooded horses that are used for horseback riding and full blooded sports horses. The donkey (Equus asinus) has also prevailed all over the world, and is used as a hackney or draught animal. In comparison to the horse, which is faster and stronger, the donkey is a more enduring animal that could last longer without water and food and is most often used for transfer of goods. Various species inner the horse family may interbreed. The offspring of the male donkey and female horse is a mullah (Equus mulus), whereas the mule (Equus hinnus) is an offspring of the male horse and female donkey. Both of these species are sterile and cannot breed. They resulted as a desire of mankind to breed a more useful animal for their own needs that will survive in difficult work conditions.
The founder of the first Centre for genome preservation of authentic breeds of domestic animals in B&H in Buhovo (Široki Brijeg) and the Association for protection and preservation of authentic breeds of domestic animals is Dr. Ivica Ravić. This is the first project of this kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina where you can see nucleus of endangered livestock, and authentic breeds of domestic animals that have found themselves on the verge of extinction, with the goal of their preservation and the conservation of biodiversity.
(source...HP Mostar)

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