04 prosinca, 2019

HP Mostar - Božić 2019 i Nova godina 2020. / Christmas 2019 and a New Year 2020.

Na blagdan Božića kršćanski svijet slavi rođenje sina Božjega Isusa Krista koji se rodio i postao čovjekom kako bi otkupio ljude od grijeha. Djevica Marija začela je dijete po Duhu Svetome i na svijet ga donijela uz pomoć svoga zaručnika Josipa. Isus je rođen u Betlehemu jer su Marija i Josip krenuli na put zbog popisa stanovništva. Kako za njih nije bilo mjesta u svratištu, Isus je rođen u štalici i položen u jaslice. Vijest o rođenju Spasitelja svega svijeta anđeli su navijestili pastirima koji su se prvi došli pokloniti malenome djetetu. A zvijezda repatica bila je putokaz trojici kraljeva s Istoka koji su mu darovali tri dara: tamjan (kao Bogu), zlato (kao kralju) i plemenitu mast - smirnu (kao čovjeku).

Dolazak Nove godine proslavlja se prvoga siječnja. Kršćani su dugo vremena za početak nove godine uzimali dan Isusova rođenja, odnosno 25. prosinac. Godine 1691. Crkva prihvaća 1. siječnja kao početak i sam blagdan Nove godine. Božić je obiteljski blagdan koji ispunja srca ljubavlju i u roditeljski zagrljaj dovodi djecu rasutu širom svijeta. Nova godina se slavi u širem društvu, najčešće s prijateljima, bučno i veselo kako i priliči početku jedne godine.

Hrvatska pošta Mostar izdala je 2 prigodne poštanske marke u arku od 16 maraka, 2 samoljepive marke, žig i omotnicu prvoga dana (FDC).
HP Mostar

On Christmas, the Christian world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was born and became human in order to redeem mankind. The Virgin Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit and bore the child with the help of her fiancé Joseph. Jesus was born in Bethlehem as Mary and Joseph travelled there for a census. Since there was no room for them in the inn, Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a manger. Angels announced the birth of the Saviour of the World shepherds who came first to worship the baby. The bright star led the three kings from the East who brought him three gifts: frankincense (as to a God), gold (as to a king), and holy oil - myrrh (as to one who was mortal).

The arrival of the new year is celebrated on January 1st. For a long period of time, Christians were taking the day of Jesus' birth, that is December 25th, as the beginning of the new year. In 1691, the Church acknowledged January 1st both as the beginning of the new year and as a holiday. Christmas is a family holiday filling hearts with love and brings the children scattered around the world back to their parents. New Year is celebrated in bigger company, usually with friends, loudly and cheerfully, just as it is supposed to be at the start of the year.

Croatian Post Ltd. Mostar has issued 2 commemorative stamps in a sheet of 16 stamps, 2 self-adhesive stamps, a postmark and first day cover (FDC).
HP Mostar

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