16 listopada, 2020

HP MOSTAR Svjetski dan hrane 2020. / World Food Day 2020. - Smokvenjak (Fig cake) i Ćupter (Jelly from boiled grape juice)

Hercegovina je bogata suncem i kamenom, vinovom lozom i smokvom. I u davnim vremenima, kada se živjelo u siromaštvu, goste se dočekivalo raširenih ruku i na trpezu se iznosilo najbolje što se imalo u kući. Domaćice su uspijevale izraditi slastice koje su bile nezaobilazne na božićnoj trpezi, njima su se počastili dragi gosti, a najviše su im se radovala djeca. Među takve, jedinstvene hercegovačke slastice, spadaju ćupter i smokvenjak.

Ćupter se radi od soka bijelog vina (masta, mošta) koji se procijedi i kuha dok ne uzavre. U isto vrijeme se određena količina hladnog mošta izmiješa s brašnom i šećerom, a zatim se lagano dodaje moštu koji se kuha dok se ne zgusne tako da se može lagano razliti u posude. Zatim se ćupter nekoliko dana suši u prozračnoj prostoriji uz obvezu svakodnevnog okretanja dok se potpuno ne osuši. 

Smokvenjak se priprema od mljevenih suhih smokava, sitno nasjeckanih oraha i badema. U smjesu se dodaje rakija, najčešće lozovača, tek toliko da se mogu umijesiti okrugli oblici koji se zatim suše u pećnici. Osim u okrugle oblike smokvenjak se može oblikovati poput salame. 

Zahvaljujući trudu pojedinaca ćupter i smokvenjak nisu zaboravljeni, danas su dostupni na tržištu kao posebni okusi Hercegovine s daškom prošlosti. 

Hrvatska pošta Mostar izdala je 2 prigodne poštanske marke u arku od 8 maraka, žig i omotnicu prvoga dana (FDC).

Herzegovina is rich in sun and stone, vines and figs. Even in ancient times, when people lived in poverty, guests were welcomed with open arms and the best that was in the house was brought to the table. The housewives managed to make sweets that were unavoidable at the Christmas table, they were treated to dear guests, and the children were most happy about them. Among such, unique Herzegovinian desserts, are Jelly from boiled grape juice (Ćupter) and Fig cake (Smokvenjak). 

Jelly from boiled grape juice (Ćupter) is made from the juice of white wine (grape must) which is strained and cooked until it boils. At the same time, a certain amount of cold grape must is mixed with flour and sugar and then lightly added to the grape must which is cooked until it thickens so that it can be easily poured into bowls. Then the jelly from boiled grape juice (Ćupter) is dried for a few days in an airy room with the obligation of daily rotation until it is completely dry. 

Fig cake (Smokvenjak) is prepared from ground dried figs, finely chopped walnuts and almonds. Brandy, usually grape brandy, is added to the mixture just enough to knead round shapes which are then dried in the oven. Except in round shapes, the Fig cake (Smokvenjak) can be shaped like salami. 

Thanks to the efforts of individuals, Jelly from boiled grape juice (Ćupter) and Fig cake (Smokvenjak) are not forgotten, today they are available on the market as special flavours of Herzegovina with a touch of the past. 

Croatian post Mostar has issued 2 commemorative postage stamps in a sheet of 10 stamps, a postmark and first day cover (FDC).

Izvor (source) HP Mostar

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