05 studenoga, 2014

Katanijev ljiljan i hercegovački kukurijek - HP Mostar Flora 2014 - Cattani Lily and Herzegovinian hellebore

Hercegovačke planine riznica su endemičnih biljaka. Na Crvenoj listi flore BiH nalaze se mnoge, a među njima su i dvije biljke koje Hrvatska pošta Mostar donosi u izdanju „Flora 2014.“ te na takav način upozorava na rijetke biljne vrste i njihovu zaštitu.
Katanijev ljiljan ili vrtoglav (Lilium cattaniae) endem je Dinarida koji naseljava tople i suhe položaje krškog područja, a ime je dobio po prirodoslovki Mariji Cattani. Raste u svijetlim šikarama i šumarcima, u vrtačama i škrapama Čvrsnice. Njegova visina doseže od 60 do 70 cm. Cvjeta tamnim grimiznim cvjetovima u razdoblju od lipnja do srpnja. Nije poznato da se katanijev ljiljan koristio u tradicionalnim terapijama liječenja, ali s obzirom na iskustva u liječenju nekim drugim vrstama ljiljana, može biti važan izvor za farmaceutska istraživanja u budućnosti.
Hercegovački kukurijek (Helleborus hercegovinus) endem je jugoistočnih Dinarida koji raste u mediteransko-montanoj i submediteranskoj regiji krškog područja na karbonatima. Naraste do visine 30 cm, a cvjeta od ožujka do travnja. Grozdasti cvatovi sastoje se od nekoliko cvjetova koji mogu biti bijele, zelene pa sve do ljubičaste boje. Kukurijek voli humusom bogata vlažna tla, a hercegovački kukurijek najbolje uspijeva na neutralnim ili alkalnim tlima u sjeni. (izvor...HP Mostar)

Herzegovinian Mountains are a treasury of endemic plants. On the Red list of B&H Flora there are many, and amongst them are two plants which the Croatian Post Mostar presents in the “Flora 2014” edition, and in this ways points out on rare species of plants and their protection.
Cattani Lily or „vrtoglav“ (Lilium cattaniae) is an endemic plant of the Dinarids that settles on warm and dry areas of karstic territory, and its name came from the biologist Marija Cattani. It grows in lightened bushes and groves, in karsts sinkholes and karrens of the mountain Čvrsnica. Its height reaches up to 60 to 70 cm. It blossoms a dark crimson flower in the period in between June and July. It is not known whether the Cattani Lily has been used in traditional medical therapies, but taking into consideration experiences in medical treatments of other types of lilies, it could be a significant source for pharmaceutical researches in the future. Herzegovinian hellebore (Helleborus hercegovinus) is an endemic plant of the southeastern Dinarids that grows in the Mediterranean-Montana and sub Mediterranean region of the karsts territories on carbonates. It grows up to 30 cm in height, and blossoms from March to April. A cluster-like flower consists of a few flowers that can be white, green and even purple in color. Hellebore likes a damp ground rich with humus, and the Herzegovinian hellebore most successfully grows on neutral or alkali grounds in the shade.
(source...HP Mostar)

Konj, magarac, mazga i mula - Fauna 2014 HP Mostar - Horse, donkey, mule and mullah

Konj (Equus caballus) je jedna od najvažnijih domaćih životinja, uzgaja se u velikom broju različitih pasmina i ima važnu ulogu kao tegleća ili jahaća životinja u cijelom svijetu. Domaći konji su domesticirani oblik divljih konja, tijekom dužeg vremenskog razdoblja došlo je do prelaska od divlje životinje u pripitomljen i udomaćeni oblik. Dijele se na tri osnovna tipa: pitome i snažne hladnokrvne konje koji se koriste za rad, toplokrvne konje koji se koriste za jahanje i punokrvne sportske konje. Magarac (Equus asinus) je također rasprostranjen u cijelome svijetu, koristi se kao jahaća i teretna životinju. U odnosu na konja koji je brži i snažniji, magarac je izdržljivija životinja koja može duže izdržati bez vode i hrane te se najčešće koristi za prijenos tereta. Različite vrste unutar porodice konja mogu se ukrštati. Potomak mužjaka magarca i ženke konja je mula (Equus mulus), dok je mazga (Eguus hinnus) potomak mužjaka konja i ženke magarca. Obje ove vrste su sterilne i ne mogu se razmnožavati. Nastale su željom čovjeka da uzgoji korisniju životinju za svoje potrebe koja će preživjeti u teškim radnim uvjetima.
Dr. Ivica Ravić utemeljitelj je prvoga Centra za očuvanje genoma izvornih pasmina domaćih životinja u BiH u Buhovu (Široki Brijeg) i Udruge za zaštitu i očuvanje izvornih pasmina domaćih životinja. To je prvi takav projekt u Bosni i Hercegovini gdje se može vidjeti nucleus stada ugroženih, odnosno izvornih pasmina domaćih životinja koje su se našle pred izumiranjem, s ciljem njihovog očuvanja i očuvanja biološke raznolikosti. (izvor...HP Mostar)

The horse (Equus caballus) is one of the most important domestic animals, and is bread in a large number of various breeds and has a significant role as a draught animal or hackney in the whole world. Domestic horses are a domesticated form of wild horses, and through a long period of time it had come to a transition from a wild animal into a domesticated and tamed form. There are three basic types: tamed and strong, cold-blooded horses that are used for work, and warm-blooded horses that are used for horseback riding and full blooded sports horses. The donkey (Equus asinus) has also prevailed all over the world, and is used as a hackney or draught animal. In comparison to the horse, which is faster and stronger, the donkey is a more enduring animal that could last longer without water and food and is most often used for transfer of goods. Various species inner the horse family may interbreed. The offspring of the male donkey and female horse is a mullah (Equus mulus), whereas the mule (Equus hinnus) is an offspring of the male horse and female donkey. Both of these species are sterile and cannot breed. They resulted as a desire of mankind to breed a more useful animal for their own needs that will survive in difficult work conditions.
The founder of the first Centre for genome preservation of authentic breeds of domestic animals in B&H in Buhovo (Široki Brijeg) and the Association for protection and preservation of authentic breeds of domestic animals is Dr. Ivica Ravić. This is the first project of this kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina where you can see nucleus of endangered livestock, and authentic breeds of domestic animals that have found themselves on the verge of extinction, with the goal of their preservation and the conservation of biodiversity.
(source...HP Mostar)

Zlatnik cara Nerona - HP Mostar Numismatic 2014 - Golden coin of Emperor Nero

Rimljani su poticaj za kovanje zlatnika dobili od grčkih kolonija u Italiji. Od vremena cara Augusta kovanje zlatnoga novca (aureus, zlatnik) u potpunosti je bilo u carevoj ovlasti tako da nema rimskoga imperatora koji nije sebe predstavio na zlatniku. Rimski car Neron, punim imenom NERO CLAUDIUS CAESAR DRUSUS GERMANICUS, rodio se 37. godine u Anciju. Njegova majka Agripina mlađa je praunuka cara Augusta i nećakinja cara Klaudija za kojega se i udala. Neron je postao carem 54. godine nakon smrti poočima Klaudija. Ratovao je u Armeniji i Partiji, ali je poznat po legendi da je zapalio Rim, ne bi li dobio inspiraciju za svoje pjesme. Nakon pobune vojske u zapadnim provincijama 68. godine, kada je vidio da ga je ostavila tjelesna straža ubio se.
 Poznato je više tipova Neronovih zlatnika, kovanih uglavnom u kovnicama u Rimu i Lionu (Roma et Lugdunum). U početku su na aversu portreti Nerona i Agripine Mlađe, a na reversu vijenac od hrastova lišća s natpisom. Kasnije se na aversu nalazi carev portret, najčešće s natpisom NERO CAESAR AUGUSTUS IMPERATOR, a na reversu su božica Cerera, Jupiter na prijestolu ili zatvorena vrata Janova hrama u Rimu. Natpis na reversu sadržava careve funkcije i počasti. U Mostarskim Vratima kod Ljubuškoga nađen je 2007. zlatnik cara Nerona (koji je danas u privatnom posjedu), kovan 60. - 61. godine u Lionu i Rimu. Na aversu nalazi se portret cara Nerona, s natpisom NERO CAESAR AVG IMP, a na reversu lik božice Cerere, s bakljom i žitnim klasom i natpis PONTIF MAX TR P VII COS IIII PP EX SC. (izvor...Radoslav Dodig)

The Romans were inspired in coining golden coins from the Greek colonies in Italy. From the times of Emperor Augustus coining gold coins (aures, florin) was absolutely in the jurisdiction of the Emperor and therefore there is not one Roman ruler that had not represented himself on the coins. The Roman Emperor Nero, in full name NERO CLAUDIUS CAESAR DRUSUS GERMANICUS, was born in year 37 at Antium. His mother Agrippina the younger was the great grand-daughter of Emperor Augustus and the niece of Emperor Claudius for whom she was wed. Nero became an Emperor in year 54 after the death of his step father Claudius. He was at war in Armenia and Parthia, but he is also known for burning down Rome, in desire to achieve inspiration for his songs. After the rebellion of the army in western provinces in the year 68, when he saw that he was left by his guards, he killed himself.
There are several types of Nero's golden coins, coined mainly in mints in Rome and Lyon (Roma et Lugdunum). In the beginning on the obverse side are portraits of Nero and Agrippina the younger, and on the reverse a wreath of oak-tree leaves with an inscription. Later on, on the obverse was the Emperor’s portrait, most commonly with the inscription NERO CAESAR AUGUSTUS IMPERATOR, and on the reversed side are the goddess Ceres, Jupiter on his throne or the closed doors of Jan's temple in Rome. The inscription on the reverse states the Emperor's functions and tributes. At the Mostar gates near Ljubuški was found a golden coin of Nero in 2007 (which today is in private property), wrought in the years 60 - 61 in Lyon and Rome. On the observe side there is a portrait of Nero, with the inscription NERO CAESAR AVG IMP, and on the reverse side the figure of goddess Ceres, with a torch and grain symbol and inscription of PONTIF MAX TR P VII COS IIII PP EX SC. (source...Radoslav Dodig)

02 listopada, 2014

Marin Čilić pobjednik US Opena 2014... - ...Marin Cilic winner of U.S. Open 2014.

Mladi talentirani Hercegovac Marin Čilić u finalu jednog od najvećih teniskih turnira, US Opena 2014. pobijedio je Japanca Keija Nishikorija 3:0 u setovima (6:3, 6:3, 6:3) i stigao je na sami vrh teniskog svijeta. Pokazao je da uz talent i uporan rad unatoč tome što dolaziš iz sredine koja nema tradiciju, uvjete niti stručnjake možeš ući u odabrano društvo najboljih tenisača na svijetu.
Marin Čilić je rođen 28. rujna 1988. godine u malom hercegovačkom mjestu Međugorju, jednom od najvećih europskih Marijanskih svetišta u kojem se, prema svjedočenju šestero vidjelaca od 1981. godine ukazuje Blažena Djevica Marija, Kraljica Mira. Vjera u Boga, ljubav i podrška obitelji su uz tenis najvažnijie stvari u njegovom životu. Teniski reket je prvi put u ruke uzeo kao šestogodišnjak, s deset godina niže prve uspjehe, a profesionalnu karijeru započinje 2006. godine. Tenis je Marinov život, za njegov uspjeh zaslužni su i treneri koji su ga godinama vodili ka uspjehu, počevši od prvog trenera Željka Dževlana do Gorana Ivanišavića koji ga je preporučio u tenisku akademiju Boba Bretta u San Remu, i koji ga trenira od 2013. Ljubav prema tenisu, vjera u sebe i svoje mogućnosti, naporan rad i stručni ljudi u timu njegov su recept za svjetski uspjeh. Najljepši dar za svoj 26. rođenda Marin Čilić dobio je u New Yorku osvojivši US Open 2014., a Hrvatska pošta Mostar pridružuje se čestitkama izdajući poštansku marku s njegovim likom. 
(izvor..Željka Šaravanja)

Marin Čilić, the young talented Herzegovinian, in the finales of one of the greatest tennis tourneys in the world, the US Open 2014, won the Japanese tennis player Kei Nishikori 3:0 in sets (6:3, 6:3, 6:3) and made it to the very top of the tennis world. He showed that with talent and hard work in spite of the fact that he comes from a region that does not have tennis tradition, nor conditions or experts, you can enter the selected circle of the best tennis players in the world. Marin Čilić was born on September 28th in the small Herzegovinian place of Medjugorje, one of the largest European Marian shrines in which, by the testimony of six children had witnessed appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace from 1981. Faith in God, love and support of his family, besides tennis, are the most important things in his life. The first time he took a tennis racket in his hands was when he was six years old, and at ten years old he was already accomplishing his first wins, and his professional career began in 2006. Tennis is Marin's life, for his success he could also thank his trainers which have led him for years towards success, starting from his first trainer Željko Dževlan up to Goran Ivanišević who had recommended him to the Tennis Academy of Bob Brett in San Remo, and who trains him from 2013. His love towards tennis, faith in himself and his possibilities, hard work and professionals in his team is his recipe for global success. The most beautiful gift for his 26th birthday, Marin Čilić received in New York winning the US Open 2014, and the Croatian Post Mostar also congratulates him by issuing a postage stamp with his picture. 
(source...Željka Šaravanja)

Hvala Vuralu iz Vaduza, Švicarske (Thanks to Vural from Vaduz, Switzerland)

Hvala Vesni iz Bjelovara, Hrvatska (Thanks to Vesna from Bjelovar, Croatia)

01 lipnja, 2014

Prva marka HP Mostar u obliku srca i s mirisom ruže - „Međugorje 2014.“ - The first postage stamp HP Mostar in the form of heart with rose scent

Međugorje je mjesto koje su u protekle 33 godine posjetili milijuni hodočasnika iz cijeloga svijeta. Prema svjedočanstvu šestero djece, 1981. godine u ovome hercegovačkom mjestu se ukazala Majka Božja. O Međugorju se piše širom svijeta, a vjerujemo, pisat će se i dalje. Jedni se oduševljavaju, drugi osporavaju ukazanja, ali unatoč svemu ono ostaje mjesto mira, molitve i brojnih obraćenja. Posebno je poznato po sakramentu svete ispovijedi te ga mnogi s pravom nazivaju ispovjedaonicom svijeta. Vjernici dolaze u Međugorje da se u sakramentu pomirenja izmire sa sobom, s Bogom i s ljudima oko sebe. U svrhu provjere autentičnosti ukazanja Sveta Stolica je 2010. osnovala Međunarodno povjerenstvo koje je sačinjavalo dvadesetak kardinala, biskupa, teologa i drugih stručnjaka koji su detaljno proučili izvješća o ukazanjima Djevice Marije u Međugorju. Nakon četiri godine rada zatvorenog za javnost, u siječnju 2014. Povjerenstvo je završilo s radom i rezultate predalo Kongregaciji za nauk vjere koja će ih razmotriti i izraditi prijedlog papi Franji na kome je konačna odluka. Neovisno o odluci Svetog Oca moglo bi se reći da se Međugorje u Crkvi već potvrdilo po plodovima vjere i obraćenja i to nitko ne može osporiti. To je najdublja potvrda Međugorja, kao što je to potvrda i drugih velikih svetišta od postanka sve do danas. (izvor...Lidija Ramljak)

Međugorje is a place that has been visited in the past 33 years by millions of pilgrims from all around the world. With the testimony of six children, in 1981, in this Herzegovinian village, our Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God had appeared. Međugorje is written about throughout the whole world, and we believe, that this will continue. Some people are in awe while others controvert these appearances, but despite it all it remains a place of peace, prayer and many conversions. It is specially known for the sacrament of Holy Confession and therefore many rightfully call it the Confession place of the world. Believers come to Međugorje in hope to come to peace in sacrament with themselves, with God and with people around them.
In order of claiming authenticity of the Appearances, the Holy See in 2010 established an International Committee composed of around twenty cardinals, bishops, theologians and other experts that in detail will examine the reports of the Appearances of the Virgin Mary in Međugorje. After four years of work that was closed to the public, in January 2014, the committee finished with their work and handed the results over to the Congregation for religion doctrine that will consider and draw up a proposition to Pope Francis, who will be giving the final decision. Regardless of the decision that the Pope brings, it could surely be said that Međugorje has been confirmed in the Church by the fruits of faith and conversions and that is something nobody could deny. That is the deepest confirmation of Međugorje, as it is the confirmation of other great shrines from genesis up to this day. 
(source...Lidija Ramljak)

08 travnja, 2014

Narodni glazbeni instrumenti - EUROPA 2014 HP MOSTAR - Folk musical instruments

Pod okriljem PostEuropa izdaju se posebne marke s EUROPA logom koje svake godine imaju jedinstvenu središnju temu za sve članice. Tema za 2014. je narodni glazbeni instrumenti, a HP Mostar predstavit će hercegovačke diple i dvojnice, instrumente koje su izrađivali i svirali naši preci, a koje se sviraju i danas. 
Dvojnice ili hercegovačka svirala u stvari su dvije svirale koje su napravljene u jednom komadu drveta tako da se obje mogu svirati istovremeno. Najčešće se izrađuju od suhog drveta javora, šljive, trešnje, drijena ili kljena. Svaka šupljina ima labijalan otvor, udaljen nekoliko centimetara od gornjega kraja, u kojemu su smješteni piskovi od jasenova drveta. Rupe za prebiranje izbušene su usporedno, na jednoj strani tri ili četiri, a na drugoj četiri do pet. Melodija na dvojnicama uvijek je dvoglasna, a maksimalno se može odsvirati do šest tonova pojedine oktave. 
Hercegovačke diple su također dvostruke svirale koje na obje strane imaju jednak broj rupica i pričvršćene su na mješinu od štavljene životinjske kože (kozje ili ovčje). Na vratnom dijelu dipala postavlja se glava od javorova ili zovina drveta s dvojnicama u koje se umeću dva piska. Kao ukras na prednje i jednu zadnju nogu stavljaju se veprove kljove, dok se na jednu zadnju nogu i analni otvor stavlja ukrasna drvena kutija promjera 10 - 12 cm da se mijeh zatvori. Na središnji dio trbušnog dijela ugrađuje se puhaljka koja ima nepovratni ventil. Specifičnost svirke na hercegovačkim diplama je da se melodijska pratnja svira na gornja dva ili tri reda rupica, a melodija se svira na donjim preostalim redovima rupica. (izvor...Željka Šaravanja)
Motiv:Hercegovačke diple i dvojnice
Autor:Vijeko Lučić
Veličina:25,56 x 35,50 mm
Tisak:Zrinski d.d. Čakovec
Papir:Bijeli, 102 g, gumirani
Vrijednost:3,00 KM
Dan izdanja:05-04-2014.
Arak: maraka + 2 vinjete, mali arak 4 marke

In the organization of PostEurop, special stamps with the EUROPA logo that every year has a unique central theme for all its members are issued. The theme for 2014 is folk musical instruments, Croatian Post Mostar will be presenting Herzegovinian pipes and dual flutes (dvojnice), instruments that were made and played by our ancestors, and are played till this day.
Dual flutes or Herzegovinian instruments are in fact two flutes that are made from one piece of wood in that way both can be played simultaneously. It is most often made out of dry maple wood, plum, cherry, cornelian cherry or „kljen“ wood. Every hole has a labial opening, separated for a couple of centimeters from the above end, in which are located whistles from ash wood. The holes for screening are punctured in a parallel manner, on one side three or four, and on the other side four to five. The melody is always dual from the dual flute, and six tones can maximally be played from each octave.
Herzegovinian pipes are also a dual instrument that have on each side an equal number of holes and are attached to tanned animal skin (goat's or sheep). On the jugular part of the pipe is placed the top part of maple wood or elder wood with dual flutes in which there are placed two whistles. As decoration, on the front and one back leg are placed boar tusks, while on one back leg and anal opening a wooden decorative box 10 - 12 cm of size is placed in order for the bellow to close. In the central part of the abdominal part, a blower is placed that has an irreversible vent. Specificity of playing Herzegovinian pipes is that the melodic follow up is played on the top two or three arrays of holes, and the melody is played on the lower remaining array of holes. (source...Željka Šaravanja)
Motif:Herzegovinian pipes and dual flutes (dvojnice)
Author:Vijeko Lučić
Size:25.56 x 35.50 mm
Printed by:Zrinski d.d. Čakovec
Paper:White, 102 g., adhesive
Value:3,00 BAM
Date of issue:2014-04-05.
Sheet:8 stamps + 2 vignettes, mini sheet of 4 stamps

31 ožujka, 2014

EUROPA CEPT - HP Mostar 1993-2013

edit by : Zoran Ćubela
music: Oscarina-Mystical Force