01 rujna, 2019

HP MOSTAR - Arheološko blago - Katakombe u Jajcu / Archeological treasure - Catacombs in Jajce

Katakombe u Jajcu, kršćanska vjerska građevina, nacionalni je spomenik Bosne i Hercegovine. U pisanim izvorima Jajce se prvi put spominje 1396. godine u vrijeme vladavine Hrvoja Vukčića Hrvatinića kada grad doživljava politički i kulturni razvoj. Pretpostavlja se da su tada u živoj stijeni isklesane katakombe kao grobnica za njega i njegovu obitelj. Pred ulazom u narteks (ulazni trijem), na stijeni u predvorju s lijeve i desne strane vrata, uklesane su dvije nedovršene figure. Muška figura u lijevoj ruci drži spušteni mač, a do nje se nalazi naznaka grba, vjerojatno grba Hrvoja Vukčića Hrvatinića. Uklesana ženska figura u lijevoj ruci ima heraldički znak. Narteks, iz kojega se ulazi u glavni dio prostorija, djelomično je zidan kamenom i pokriven bačvastim svodom. Iznad baptisterija s krstionicama isklesani su lučni otvori. U glavnom dijelu crkve, uz bočne zidove, u podu su smještene grobnice. Na lijevoj strani nalazi se udubina na kraju koje je isklesan dvostruki križ, a desno i lijevo od njega sunce i polumjesec. Iz glavne prostorije četiri stube vode u kriptu s oltarom koji ima perforaciju u obliku dvostrukog križa, također s polumjesecom i suncem.

Catacombs in Jajce, a Christian religious building, are a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.In written records name Jajce was first mentioned in 1396 in the time of the rule of Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić when the town is experiencing political and cultural development. It is assumed that at that time catacombs were built in the living rock as a tomb for him and his family. In front of the entrance to the narthex (entrance porch), on the rock in the lobby on the left and right side of the door, two unfinished figures are engraved. The male figure holds the lowered sword in the left hand with a coat of arms, probably a coat of Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić. Engraved female figure has a heraldic mark in her left hand. Narthex, from which enters the main part of the room, is partially built with the stone and covered with a barrel vault. Above the baptistery there are bow openings. In the main part of the church, along the side walls, tombs are located on the floor. On the left side there is a hollow on which a double cross is engraved, and to the right and left from it there are the sun and the crescent moon. From the main room the four pillar goes into the crypt with an altar that has perforation in the form of a double cross, also with the sun and the crescent moon.

HP Mostar

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