04 prosinca, 2019

HP Mostar - Božić 2019 i Nova godina 2020. / Christmas 2019 and a New Year 2020.

Na blagdan Božića kršćanski svijet slavi rođenje sina Božjega Isusa Krista koji se rodio i postao čovjekom kako bi otkupio ljude od grijeha. Djevica Marija začela je dijete po Duhu Svetome i na svijet ga donijela uz pomoć svoga zaručnika Josipa. Isus je rođen u Betlehemu jer su Marija i Josip krenuli na put zbog popisa stanovništva. Kako za njih nije bilo mjesta u svratištu, Isus je rođen u štalici i položen u jaslice. Vijest o rođenju Spasitelja svega svijeta anđeli su navijestili pastirima koji su se prvi došli pokloniti malenome djetetu. A zvijezda repatica bila je putokaz trojici kraljeva s Istoka koji su mu darovali tri dara: tamjan (kao Bogu), zlato (kao kralju) i plemenitu mast - smirnu (kao čovjeku).

Dolazak Nove godine proslavlja se prvoga siječnja. Kršćani su dugo vremena za početak nove godine uzimali dan Isusova rođenja, odnosno 25. prosinac. Godine 1691. Crkva prihvaća 1. siječnja kao početak i sam blagdan Nove godine. Božić je obiteljski blagdan koji ispunja srca ljubavlju i u roditeljski zagrljaj dovodi djecu rasutu širom svijeta. Nova godina se slavi u širem društvu, najčešće s prijateljima, bučno i veselo kako i priliči početku jedne godine.

Hrvatska pošta Mostar izdala je 2 prigodne poštanske marke u arku od 16 maraka, 2 samoljepive marke, žig i omotnicu prvoga dana (FDC).
HP Mostar

On Christmas, the Christian world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was born and became human in order to redeem mankind. The Virgin Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit and bore the child with the help of her fiancé Joseph. Jesus was born in Bethlehem as Mary and Joseph travelled there for a census. Since there was no room for them in the inn, Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a manger. Angels announced the birth of the Saviour of the World shepherds who came first to worship the baby. The bright star led the three kings from the East who brought him three gifts: frankincense (as to a God), gold (as to a king), and holy oil - myrrh (as to one who was mortal).

The arrival of the new year is celebrated on January 1st. For a long period of time, Christians were taking the day of Jesus' birth, that is December 25th, as the beginning of the new year. In 1691, the Church acknowledged January 1st both as the beginning of the new year and as a holiday. Christmas is a family holiday filling hearts with love and brings the children scattered around the world back to their parents. New Year is celebrated in bigger company, usually with friends, loudly and cheerfully, just as it is supposed to be at the start of the year.

Croatian Post Ltd. Mostar has issued 2 commemorative stamps in a sheet of 16 stamps, 2 self-adhesive stamps, a postmark and first day cover (FDC).
HP Mostar

18 studenoga, 2019

HP Mostar Flora 2019. - Šumska jagoda / Flora 2019 - Wild strawberry

Maginja (Arbutusunedo) je zimzeleni grm ili malo stablo koje potječe iz mediteranskog pojasa. Naziva se i jagodnjak ili drvo jagoda jer su plodovi maginje nalik jagodama. Listovi su kožast i goli, a sitni cvjetovi pojavljuju se u grozdastim cvatovima u kasnu jesen ili zimi, u isto vrijeme kada sazrijevaju žarko-crveni plodovi na prošlogodišnjim kratkim ograncima. Plodovi su jestivi, no nepreporučuje se jesti ih u većoj količini. Listovi maginje se koriste u narodnoj medicini, a od plodova se prave marmelada i džem.

Šumska jagoda (Fragaria vesca) je višegodišnja zeljasta biljka iz porodice ružovki. Raste na rubovima šuma i šumskim proplancima. Donji listovi su sastavljeni od tri liske, dok se od bijelih cvjetova razvija zbirni plod koji se naziva jagoda. Cvjeta od proljeća do sredine jeseni. Crveni okrugli plodovi dozrijevaju od svibnja do kolovoza. Jestivi su, ukusni i hranjivi, a mogu se sušiti, zamrzavati ili prerađivati u džem, kompot, sok i sirup. Šumska jagoda ima ljekovita svojstva i njeni listovi se koriste za pripremu čaja.

Hrvatska pošta Mostar izdala je 2 prigodne poštanske marke u arku od 8 maraka, žig i omotnicu prvoga dana (FDC).

HP Mostar


Maggie ( Arbutus unedo) is an evergreen shrub or small tree that is native to the Mediterranean region. It is also called strawberry or strawberry tree owing to its strawberry-like fruits. The leaves are leathery and glabrous, and the tiny flowers appear in clusters in late fall or winter, often accompanied by small bright red fruits ripening on last year's short branches. The fruits are edible, but it is not recommended to eat them in large quantities. Leaves are used in traditional medicine, while the fruits are used for the fabrication of jam and marmelade.

Wild strawberry ( Fragaria vesca) is a perennial herbaceous plant in the rose family. It grows on the woodland edges and clearings. The lower leaves are composed of three leaflets, while the white flowers form a fruit called strawberry. It blooms from spring to mid-fall. The red rounded fruits ripen from May to August. They are edible, tasty and nutritious and can be dried, frozen or processed into jam, compote, juice and syrup. Strawberry has medicinal properties and its leaves are used to make tea.

Croatian Post Mostar has issued two commemorative stamps in a sheet of 8 stamps, a postmark and first day cover (FDC)

HP Mostar

HP Mostar Fauna 2019 - Kornjače / Fauna 2019 - Turtles

Kornjače spadaju u red gmazova s čvrstim oklopom građenim od rožnatih ploča, koji se sastoji od leđnog (carapax) i trbušnog (plastron) dijela. Žive u toplim krajevima na kopnu, u slatkoj vodi i u moru.

Barska kornjača (Emys orbicularis) ima gladak leđni oklop smeđe ili crne boje sa žutim pjegama, a cijelu glavu može uvući u sigurnost oklopa. Dugačka je od 15 do 20 cm, teška 400 do 700 grama.

Kopnena kornjača (Testudo hermanni) ima veliki oklop koji je s gornje strane maslinasto-žut s tamnim šarama, a odozdo sa svake strane ima crni rub. Oklop štiti tijelo i u njega može uvući glavu i udove, a dostiže dužinu od 12 do 20 cm.

Glavata želva (Caretta caretta) je vrsta morske kornjače koja ima oklop čvrste koštane strukture koji je s gornje strane crvenkasto-smeđe, a s donje svijetlo-žućkaste boje. Odrasle jedinke imaju ovalan oklop i dostižu duljinu i do 110 cm, dok im je težina do 115 kg.

Zelena želva (Chelonia mydas) jedna je od najpoznatijih vrsta morskih kornjača. Gornja strana njenog oklopa je u različitim tonovima smeđe sa zelenkastim ili tamno smeđim područjima. Donji dio oklopa i spojevi s gornjim oklopom su svjetlo žuti. Odrasle jedinke narastu do dužine od jedan i pol metar, a prosječna težina odrasle životinje je oko 200 kg.

Hrvatska pošta Mostar izdala je 4 prigodne poštanske marke u arku od 16 maraka, žig i omotnicu prvoga dana (FDC).
HP Mostar
Turtles belong to the order of reptiles with a strong shell made of corneal scales, which consists of the back (carapax) and abdominal (plastron) part. They live in warm places on land, in fresh water and in the sea.

Pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) has a smooth dorsal brown or black shell with yellow spots, and it can retract its entire head inside their shield-like shells. It is 15 to 20 cm long and weighs 400 to 700 grams.

Land turtle (Testudo hermanni) has a large oliveyellow shell with dark patterns on the upper side with black edge on each side. The shell protects the body and it can retract its head and limbs into it. It reaches a length of 12 to 20 cm.

Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) is a sea turtle that has a shield made of a solid bone structure, which is reddish-brown on the upper side and light yellowish on the lower side. Adult animals have an oval shell and they can reach up to 110 cm in length and weigh up to 115 kg.

Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) is one of the most famous species of sea turtles. The upper side of its shield is in different tones of brown with greenish or dark brown patches. The lower part of the shield and the plastron are light yellow. Adult animals grow to a length of one and a half meters and the average weight of an adult animal is about 200 kg.

Croatian Post d.o.o. Mostar has issued four commemorative postage stamps in a sheet of 16 stamps sheet, a postmark and first day cover (FDC).

HP Mostar

29 listopada, 2019


ZAJEDNIČKO IZDANJE REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA – REPUBLIKA KOREJA Nacionalni park Sjeverni Velebit i Nacionalni park Seoraksan / JOINT ISSUE BY THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA AND THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Northern Velebit National Park and Seoraksan National Park

Golemo prostranstvo Nacionalnog parka Seoraksan, čija je ukupna površina 398 km², može se pohvaliti jednim od najspektakularnijih krajolika u Koreji, sa svojih trideset planinskih vrhova koji ulijevaju strahopoštovanje, uključujući i najviši vrh – Daecheongbong. Godine 1982. park je uvršten u UNESCO-ovu Svjetsku mrežu rezervata biosfere. U Koreji se Pinus pumila, poznatiji kao patuljasti bor, može naći samo na planini Seorak. Taj grm ima lišće koje je kraće nego u drugih vrsta borova te grane koje rastu horizontalno. Budući da biljka raste u hladnom i suhom okruženju na nadmorskoj visini od 1500 m, smatra se da je posebno osjetljiva na prijetnju globalnog zatopljenja. Stoga je služba korejskog nacionalnog parka pokrenula kampanju za zaštitu staništa patuljastog bora.

Naša zajednička odgovornost za zaštitu prirode ne poznaje granice. Zajedničkim izdavanjem ovih prigodnih poštanskih maraka Korejska pošta želi upoznati svijet s prekrasnom prirodom koja se može naći u Republici Hrvatskoj i Republici Koreji te se iskreno nadamo da će prijateljstvo tih dviju zemalja i dalje rasti. 
Song, Myeng ho


The Seoraksan National Park’s vast expanse, which amounts up to 398 km² in total, boasts one of the most spectacular sceneries in Korea, with its awe-inspiring thirty mountain peaks, including the tallest peak, Daecheongbong. In 1982, the park was listed in UNESCO’s World Network of Biosphere Reserves. In Korea, Pinus Pumila, commonly known as the dwarf stone pine, can be found only in Mt. Seorak. This shrub has leaves that are shorter than those of other types of pine trees, and the branches that grow horizontally. Because the plant grows in a cold, dry environment at a high altitude of 1,500 m above sea level, it is deemed to be particularly vulnerable to the threat of global warming. Thus, Korea National Park Service has started a campaign to protect the habitat of the dwarf stone pine.

Our mutual responsibility to protect nature is not bound by borders. With the joint issuance of these commemorative stamps, Korea Post wishes to let the world know of the beautiful nature that can be found in Croatia and the Republic of Korea, and we sincerely hope that the friendship of these two countries will continue to blossom.
Song, Myeng ho

Hrvatska pošta / Croatian Post

18 listopada, 2019

Svjetski dan hrane - Pole ispod sača/Pura lučnica - World Food Day

Pura lučnica i pole ispod sača su tradicionalna jela Hercegovine. Nekada su ova jela bila uobičajena u svakome domaćinstvu, a danas su specijaliteti kojima se dočekuju dragi gosti.
Pura se spravlja od domaćeg kukuruznog brašna koje se dodaje u proključalu zasoljenu vodu. Dobro se izmješa, poklopi poklopcem i pusti kuhati uz povremeno miješanje dok sva voda ne ispari. Može se jesti samo prelivena rastopljenim maslom (maslacem) ili prelivena samo kiselim mlijekom. Poseban specijalite je pura lučnica koja se prelije domaćim kiselim mlijekom u koje se doda rastopljeno maslo (maslac) s bijelim lukom.
Nekada se krumpir pekao izravno na ognjištu dok se danas stavlja u plitku posudu – tepsiju koja se prekriva kovanim pokrovom koji se naziva sač. Najvažnije je na ognjištu zapaliti vatru od kvalitetnih drva (hrast, jasen ili grab), pustiti drva da sagore i pretvore se u žar. Krumpir se nareže na polovice (pole), posoli i stavi u tepsiju. Pokrije se sačem po kojem se posipa žar i peče oko sat vremena. Pole su najbolje poslužene uz domaći mladi sir ili sir iz mijeha.

Hrvatska pošta Mostar izdala je 2 prigodne poštanske marke u arku od 8 maraka, žig i omotnicu prvoga dana (FDC).


Polenta with garlic butter sauce and potato halves baked in “sač” oven are traditional dishes of Herzegovina. Once common in every household, today these dishes are delicacies to welcome dear guests.
Polenta is made from locally grown corn flour that is added to boiling salted water. It is then stirred, covered with a lid and cooked with occasional stirring until any remaining water evaporates. It can be served either topped with melted butter or with sour milk. Polenta topped with homemade sour milk mixed with melted butter garlic sauce is a special delicacy.
Once upon a time, potatoes were baked directly on the hearth while nowadays they are baked in a shallow pan (tepsija) which is covered with a cast iron dome called “sač”. The most important thing is to start a fire in a fireplace using good quality wood (oak, ash or hornbeam), let the fire burn until all the wood turns into charcoal. Cut the potatoes in half, add salt and place them in a shallow pan. Cover with a saç and bake for about an hour. Potato halves are best served with homemade fresh cheese or bellows cheese.

Croatian Post Mostar has issued two commemorative postage stamps in a sheet of 8 stamps, a postmark and first day cover (FDC).

HP Mostar

16 listopada, 2019


Na površini od gotovo 300 četvornih kilometara Plitvička jezera pokazuju bezbroj ukrasa: Veliki slap visok 78 metara, najveća jezera – Prošćansko i Kozjak – ali i nebrojene slapove i slapiće, jezerca i drvene staze oko kojih huči bistra modrozelena voda. Ipak, jezera zauzimaju tek manje od jedan posto Parka.

Broj: 1215-18
Vrijednost: 23,40 kn
Dizajn: Ivana Vučić i Tomislav-Jurica Kačunić, dizajneri iz Zagreba
Fotografija: Mario Romulić/Dražen Stojčić, Ivo Pervan
Veličina: 29,82 x 35,50 mm
Papir: bijeli, 102 g, gumirani
Zupčanje: češljasto, 14
Tisak: višebojni ofset
Tiskara: AKD d.o.o., Zagreb
Datum izdanja: 10.6.2019.
Naklada: 100 000 po motivu

Covering an area of almost 300 square kilometres, the Plitvice Lakes boast endless ornaments: the Great Waterfall, 78 metres tall, and the largest lakes – Prošćansko and Kozjak – as well as endless waterfalls, large and small, ponds and wooded paths surrounded by roaring clear cyan water. However, the lakes account for less than one per cent of the Park.

Number: 1215-18
Value: 23.40 HRK
Design: Ivana Vučić i Tomislav-Jurica Kačunić, designer from Zagreb
Photo: Mario Romulić/Dražen Stojčić, Ivo Pervan
Size: 29.82 x 35.50 mm
Paper: white 102 g, gummed
Perforation: Comb,14
Technique: Multicolored Offsetprint
Printed by: AKD d.o.o., Zagreb
Date of issue: 10/6/2019
Quantity: 100,000 per motif

Hrvatska pošta / Croatian post